April 9, 2010

Honey Space Envelops Daphne Park

Inspired by the research of Wilhelm Reich, Daphne Park has created what she calls a SuperConductor; a healing structure made from different shades of pink silks, raw wool, goat cashmere, and the natural shearing of the Alpaca: Materials that have been listed by Reich as holding the ability to generate ''orgastic potency,'' a concentrated life-force energy. "I feel these materials, they must hold a higher form of energy based on how I feel when I wear them." Daphne encourages visitors to sit inside her SuperConductor and allow themselves a kind of therapeutic renewal.

Extreme orgasm is achieved and we no longer hold fear in Living- according to Wilhelm Reich (peer in psychological analysis to Sigmund Freud) this "orgastic potency" could be harnessed and intensified through a primordial cosmic energy he called, "orgone" by building an "orgone energy accumulator" which could enhance a patient's physical ability to make love with more orgastic potency, therefore improving his or her overall well-being. Orgasm, he believed was not meant for the sole purpose of procreation, but should be used to regulate the body's natural flow of emotional energy. 

Daphne's installation as a whole deals with the dual forces of construction and deconstruction involved in any creative process. Remains of broken and shattered musical instruments lay upon an elevated platform and are threaded together with ribbon and wood in a freely flowing matter to a sound installation playing homage to the single note of B Flat, which research suggests resonates at an extremely low frequency from Black Holes; the deepest note ever detected from any object in the universe. Daphne agrees with the current scientific theories stating this sound holds direct connections with the organization of matter. For this reason, she asked composers David Marshall, Rachel Bell, and Derrick Barnicoat to use their inspirations from this note in creating a soundtrack to her performances. As a painter, Park relates this performance installation to exactly that, "To me, I am painting here, a moving drawing on the wall, spacial in both 3-D and Time."

Having spent years with the Zapara people in the Upper Amazons of Ecuador, Daphne also showcases two precious wild harvested and handmade hammocks, one of which is communal, providing the support needed to hold 20 resting adults. Both are symbols of constructive and deconstructive force in the histories they have endured.

This Saturday, celebrate life-force spiritually and collectively by getting inside the SuperConductor for some soothing transference of energies-
Because you can never have too much 'orgastic potency' and if you agree with Wilhelm Reich the best cure to our body's neurotic states is to have an active, guilt-free sex life.
The SuperConductor is New York City's own contemporary Orgone Energy Accumulator created for us by Daphne Park.
Experience her creative force now through this Saturday at Honey Space.

Special Closing Performance at Honey Space
Saturday April 10, 7-8pm
Live music by David Marshall, Rachel Bel, and Derrick Barnicoat
with Lakota shamanic performance by White Magpie

Honey Space
148 Eleventh Ave (btwn 21st &22nd).

April 5, 2010

Window Seat: Erykah Badu

March 13, 2010
"They play it safe; are quick to assassinate what they do not understand. They move in packs ingesting more and more fear with every act of hate on one another. They feel most comfortable in groups; less guilt to swallow, they are us this is what we have become; afraid to respect and individual. A single personal event or circumstance can move one to change, to love oneself, to evolve."

  Erykah Badu - Window Seat [Video]
- Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

March 27, 2010

Best Ever: Concrete, Tearducts, & Rib Bones

Impossible to re-live the intimate seconds you were once allowed you wanted more and you didn’t want more of the addiction you never gambled on never tasted knew you should’ve let your body crumble in lust and foreplay giving in giving in, no resisting of it, No turning back now.
Her eyes are open, where are Yours-

The Man at Work

March 10, 2010

Alexander Bagrat: No Objective but to Arouse

"There's no objective, there's no message, there's absolutely nothing."

Three. 114x145cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2008

As I passed by the Licht Feld Gallery's space at Scope Art Fair this year, I couldn't help myself to getting lost in the darkness (and light) Bagrat's paintings exude... I felt the chaos of gore and unrelenting obsession. I photographed the thickness of his works, the shadows in the textures which later I learned came from a tireless process of glueing and unglueing. Fitting for the artist's self proclaimed lack of objective- because doing and undoing is the natural process of living; life by no means demands an there be a "meaning," these are created by us as we look upon our past, our finished projects and to the future, wherein we choose to do, or undo. And it would be a scary thing for anyone to live a life without meaning, so for an artist to proclaim there be "no message" in his art, I find that very brave and honest.

We create to satisfy ourselves First, we do what turns us all On-
What comes out requires no explanation.

The King (detail). Oil on Canvas, 130x195cm 2008

The King (detail). Oil on Canvas, 130x195cm, 2008

Crazy Horse. Two Pieces b. Oil on Canvas, 130x195cm, 2008

Jeunne Fille (detail). Acrylic on Canvas, 114x155cm, 2008

Untitled, Acrylic on Canvas, 195x130cm, 2009

Princesse. Acrylic on Canvas, 114x195cm, 2007

March 9, 2010


I waited until the last day, like the procrastinator I am, and stopped by both Pulse and Scope Art Fair in the same day. Last year I really enjoyed Scope, and this year was definitely no let down, Pulse however was a disappointment; lost somewhere between the dullness of the Armory show and the contemporary vibes of Scope.... 


Enrique Gomez de Molina’s hybrid creatures @ SPINELLO GALLERY

(Above) Small portion of Angelo Musco's Aranea, (Below) Detail of 'Aranea' @Carrie Secrist Gallery

Brian Drury's Feast with Dean Project (Gallery)
(Above, a section of Untitled (feast) and Below, detail of (feast))


Shot during a Performance Piece (artist unknown at this time)

"The King" Alexander Bagrat; 26 year old Painter (above; entire painting not shown)(detail below)

Wandering down a hallway towards a separate space, I passed this quote by Diane Pernet, it was only on my way out that I read it and smiled in appreciation for her words:

It was down this hallway that three artists (designers) were featured, one of which was the work of Sandra Backlund, a woman whose work is unmistakable.

Necklaces by Graham Tabor & Miguel


(All photos taken by myself at both art fairs on March 6, 2010)
Individual write-ups on these artists will follow. (excluding Angelo Musco and Sandra Backlund,  whom you can find already noted in my blog)