by Doug Rickard via American Suburb X
"And the child saw the world for what it was.
She saw the magic and magical things… the shadows and sparkles and whispering beings… the butterflies and flowers, thorny branches and towering-towers, the spider webs, singing birds and dark-moonlit powers…
And the man saw the world for what it was.
He saw that it was full of logic and intelligent beings and rational sense and science and flesh and blood things… of war and fighting, of cancer and of dying… of buildings and automobiles, of sorrow and of crying.
The child's clear eye's saw everything that the man could no longer see so the child said to the man… “Come Man and let me show you my dreams and the magical moonbeams and the soaring skies and the Man said, little child, I can no longer see the moon or the skies but only clouds with cloudy eye's and of what are dreams?”
And the child could see God everywhere… and the man could only see himself.
And the man saw all of the other things that the child did not see so the man said to the child… “Come child for it is time... I must show you death and disease and "the ugly" and the child said, Man of what is death and of what is "ugly" for I do not understand and I cannot see?” The man could see what was coming… and the child could only see what was already there.
Catherine Larré tells of the shimmering dreams and the singing birds, the whispers of moonlight and the oh-so-beautiful words… the darkness and the light, the mysteries in the night… the magic of the wild… the fragility of the child... the adult and his sadness, the ugliness and the madness."

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